Wednesday, March 18, 2009



Linked from, I just read an article detailing the ins & outs of Kazuo Umezu's famous Makoto-chan house in Kichijoji. In summary, it is a dandy horror nerd Valhalla.

The article is written by mangaka and author Kentaro Takekuma, who has written and lectured on manga and co-wrote Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga! with another favorite of mine, Koji Aihara. Not surprising that Takekuma and Umezu are buddies, huh?

Takekuma explains in his post that these pics were taken in February at a housewarming party hosted by Kazuo Umezu. He notes that Umezz decorated the entire house (surprise!) and not pictured here are an amazing library curated by Demerin, including every published work by Umezz. Also worth noting, apparently the woman who filed the original lawsuit against the home lives... next door to the Makoto-chan house!

Okay, so here are the pics from inside the house. PREPARE TO BE AMAZED:

Check out the original post here. I am still waiting for someone to FIND THIS HOUSE and put it on the Same Hat Guide To Everything!


Anonymous said...

wooooooooooooow, i want to live there

Ryan S said...

@m: Maybe he can adopt you when you're in Tokyo? Or you can get some BAITO as his housekeeper?

Nate said...

I found it! I marked what is allegedly the location of the domicile of Umezz on the Samehat Guide to Everything. It's on the block of Kichijoji Minamicho 1-22 吉祥寺南町1−22, just a stone's throw from the Kichijoji station. Now I gotta go make a pilgrimage to see it for myself!

Ryan S said...

@Nate: Holy shit, my friend. I bow to your superior internet googling skill. Thanks for tracking it down!

Looking at the map now, it's really freaking close to the Calico Cafe (where Alice and I went to play with cats) and the Muji in Kichijoji. Damn, I was like 10 minutes away from the house when I visited in April 2008.

Can we go see his house when I'm there visiting next? I am feeling our second installment of Nate, Same Hat's Man-in-Japan column. youknowwhatimsayin??

Anonymous said...

ryan: housekeeper would be an awesome way earning extra cash. but adopted? he would probably scare the shit out of me all the time, way to creepy house to live alone with umezu in.

Ryan S said...

@m: hahaha, no way dude! He'd be like the best great-uncle ever. Haven't you ever wanted a singing & dancing, gay horror master as your elder patron? :)